A parking sensor facilitates the search for parking spaces and traffic management

01/08/2021 | Emanuell Tomes

Modern sensor technology is playing an increasingly important role in controlling traffic and finding parking spaces efficiently. With our TAPS parking sensor, we present a state-of-the-art product. The sensor captures all the necessary data and transmits it via radio protocols.This technology delivers decisive advantages for parking facility operators and for cities that want to manage their traffic intelligently. Increasing urbanization poses a major challenge to cities in Switzerland and around the world. Innovative solutions are needed to overcome the associated traffic problems. However, sustainable proposals are scarce in the transport sector, because the changes to be made should be accompanied by the lowest possible financial burden.

This is exactly where we at LTS AG come in with our TAPS sensors. We offer an intelligent solution that meets the requirements of urban society. In this way, we are leading the topic of traffic unerringly into a digital future.

Contact LTS AG

If you are interested in the TAPS technology, the LTS AG team will be happy to answer your questions. We look forward to being contacted by phone or mail.

Blog Autor
Emanuell Tomes

Emanuell Tomes holds a degree in business informatics and has extensive training in software development. His professional career began with software developments for the City of Zurich and other public offices. Later, he independently developed geographic information systems for major clients. He has been on board since the birth of LTS AG and was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2019.

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