Cultural and Educational centre with intelligent bus parking

24/03/2023 | Emanuell Tomes

The Viimsi Artium in Estonia is a popular cultural centre that is regularly visited by tourists and tour groups. But due to the limited number of parking spaces, there were often traffic problems and bottlenecks in the car park, especially when buses had to be parked.

To meet this challenge, the bus car parks of the Viimsi Artium, through our partner N.W.T. Solutions OÜ, have been equipped with TAPS sensors that indicate the availability of parking spaces on parking boards. Through this measure, traffic in the car park can be better organised.

The use of ground sensors and parking boards in public buildings such as the Viimsi Artium has numerous advantages. Firstly, it helps to optimise traffic in the car park and avoid congestion. Bus drivers can find free parking spaces quickly and easily thanks to the TAPS parking sensors, which makes it easier for passengers to get on and off the bus and creates order.  

The TAPS ground sensors send the occupancy status of the parking spaces to the gateway, which then controls the forwarding to the parking board.

Eine der wichtigsten Vorteile ist die Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit. Busfahrer und Passagiere können auf einen Blick sehen, ob ausreichend Parkplätze vorhanden sind und können sich schnell und einfach orientieren. Dies reduziert den Stress und die Verwirrung, die oft mit dem Finden eines geeigneten Parkplatzes verbunden sind. Darüber hinaus verbessert die Anzeige der Parkplatzverfügbarkeit auch das Image des Kulturzentrums oder Veranstaltungsorts, da es den Besuchern ein positives Erlebnis bietet.

Nicht zuletzt können Bodensensoren und Parktafeln auch zur Verbesserung der Umwelt beitragen. Da die Besucher des Viimsi Artiums schnell und einfach freie Parkplätze finden können, reduziert sich die Zeit, die sie auf der Suche nach einem Parkplatz verbringen, was den Kraftstoffverbrauch und damit auch den CO2-Ausstoss verringert.

Overall, the project to equip the bus car parks with TAPS sensors and parking signs shows how this technology can help solve traffic problems in public buildings and increase customer satisfaction. We hope that this project will serve as a model for other public buildings facing similar parking and traffic management challenges.

Contact LTS AG

If you are interested in the TAPS technology, the LTS AG team will be happy to answer your questions. We look forward to being contacted by phone or mail.

Blog Autor
Emanuell Tomes

Emanuell Tomes holds a degree in business informatics and has extensive training in software development. His professional career began with software developments for the City of Zurich and other public offices. Later, he independently developed geographic information systems for major clients. He has been on board since the birth of LTS AG and was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2019.

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