LTS speaks about Intelligent Mobility at Smart Suisse Basel

19/04/2023 |

Last month we visited the Smart Suisse fair in Basel. This fair was a platform where leading technology providers, urban planners and government agencies came together to present innovative technologies for the smart cities of tomorrow. The fair took place on 28 and 29 March 2023 and attracted around 1500 participants interested in the future of Smart Cities.

The Smart Suisse fair hosted 72 vendors who presented their latest technologies and solutions for smart cities. The focus of the fair was on presenting technologies and solutions that help make cities smarter, more sustainable and more liveable. An important focus was also the Intelligent Mobility area, where the latest trends and solutions in the field of intelligent mobility were presented.

One of our highlights of the fair was the presentation by our CTO, Emanuell Tomes, in the Intelligent Mobility slot. In his presentation, he went into detail about the solutions of LTS AG. LTS' goal is to revolutionise the way cities manage parking and traffic by using advanced technologies such as sensors, IoT and Big Data.

Emanuell showcased some of the company's latest solutions, including an innovative parking monitoring solution that enables cities to manage parking more efficiently and reduce traffic congestion. He also showcased IoT solutions integrated on the company's proprietary TAPS platform, which allows real-time data to be collected and analysed to make informed decisions.

The fair was also a great opportunity to expand our network and make valuable contacts. By talking to other attendees and vendors, we were able to share the latest developments in smart cities and gain valuable insights.

It was particularly pleasing that our presentation generated great interest among the participants and offered us many opportunities to present our company and solutions to a wider audience. We had the chance to meet potential customers and partners and were able to make valuable contacts that will help us to expand our business relationships and promote our growth in the future.

Overall, the visit to the Smart Suisse fair was a great success for us. Not only did we gain valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in smart cities, but we were also able to expand our network and make valuable contacts We look forward to nurturing these contacts and further developing our business by integrating new solutions and partnerships.

Contact LTS AG

If you are interested in the TAPS technology, the LTS AG team will be happy to answer your questions. We look forward to being contacted by phone or mail.

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