Intelligent parking systems for high-quality solutions

01/08/2020 | Emanuell Tomes

For the intelligent control of traffic and efficient management of parking opportunities, sensors play a crucial role today. TAPS ties in with this approach as a smart traffic and parking management system. We are the world's first provider of a completely energy-autonomous sensor. Our system allows a dynamic detection of vehicles on the road by means of a ground sensor precisely, efficiently and reliably.

Another use case can be found in parking lots and parking garages for stationary registration. With one system, the user receives a suitable solution for two problems in the smart registration of vehicles. Some companies and administrations already rely on our product and use it successfully in practice.

Contact LTS AG

If you are interested in the TAPS technology, the LTS AG team will be happy to answer your questions. We look forward to being contacted by phone or mail.

Blog Autor
Emanuell Tomes

Emanuell Tomes holds a degree in business informatics and has extensive training in software development. His professional career began with software developments for the City of Zurich and other public offices. Later, he independently developed geographic information systems for major clients. He has been on board since the birth of LTS AG and was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2019.

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